Recommended: T-Shirt Design Workshop 2 is also part of T-Shirt Design Master Collection, the best deal on the most popular bundle of t-shirt design resources.
You may also be able to get access to T-Shirt Design Workshop 2 with different pricing options on Skillshare or Udemy.
We will send out the design to 3 different printers. At the end, those shirts will be unboxed so you can see exactly how they came back from the printer (there will be a few unexpected surprises you can learn from!)
These 2.5 hours of content are packed with loads of actionable t-shirt graphic design techniques that can’t be found anywhere else.
Here are some of the highlights:
As a bonus, you will also receive the following downloadable files:
What are the requirements?
Did you know: T-Shirt Design Workshop 02 is also part of T-Shirt Design Master Collection, the best deal on the biggest bundle of t-shirt design resources.